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Welcome to the SFE(The Student's Forum for Electronics)Homepage

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We are an electronics society based in VESIT ( Vivekananda Educational Society's Institute of Technology), Mumbai. The SFE is an organ for providing an insight to members about the practical aspects of present technology & the possible applications & ramifications of future ones. We achieve this by organising various contests like the paper contests, hardware contests etc. to test and enhance our technical skills as future engineers.

E@mail is a monthly newsletter meant for members and it provides interesting, informative & groundbreaking information for readers. This page also stores the online version of this magazine.

The various papers submitted over the course of time are going to be put up in the society paper archives for free downloads in Microsoft Word 97 format. This will allow members to quench their thirst for knowledge along with providing freshmen a glimpse of how they also can hone their technical skills. The papers were not converted to HTML as it was impossible to keep up the writer's sense of flow due to the inherent weaknesses in HTML.

The annual SFE magazine will also be put up in it's online edition as soon as it's HTML encoding is complete.

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This site is always under construction. Come back soon for more updates.

Copyright©Samsoft Technologies®1998 for SFE WebAuthor:Saumitra.M.Das [D9] Hits: Hit Counter

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