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Council for 1998-1999

Chairperson: Mrs. Naveeta Kant

President: Rupesh Thakur

Vice-President:Sudeep Satheesan

Secretary: Padmapriya R

Executive Cell: Nirmal Bhatt ,  Nitin Vig, Rahul Rao, Tushar Rane

Editorial Cell: Jayadeep Hoshing, Saumitra.M.Das , Yash Bajpai

Finance Cell: Freddy Kharoliwalla, Girish Khemani

Industrial Relations: Harjinder Singh, Umesh Bawkar

Publicity Cell: Afraz Shaikh,Nisha Rao,Shobhna Gupta

Outgoing Council

The SFE council members for the academic year 1997-98:

Chairperson: Mrs. Naveeta Kant

President: Zainulabedin A.

Vice-President:  Rajesh Iyer

Secretary: Dinshaw Dastoor

Executive Cell:Sachin Ganu, Sarita Sequeira, Tushar Pai , Sourja Ray

Editorial Cell: Ishan Mandrekar, Dayanand Gawade, Jayadeep Hoshing

Finance Cell:Pranav Varia, Sudeep Satheesan

Industrial Relations: Hitesh Vohra, Umesh Bawkar

Publicity Cell:Satyavikas Kasturi, Nitin Vig


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