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Submit an Article  - includes stories, poems and quotes.
Allworld Joke of the Day
Bartender's Joke of the Day - includes archives and a joke of the day mailing list. Joke of the Day
Bill Clinton Joke-of-the-day
Da LowComDom Joke of Da Day
Daily Dose
Daily Humor
Daily Jokes
Daily Nerd Humor
Funny Stuff of the Day - bumper stickers, tasteless pickup lines, Murphy's laws of life and sex, worst analogies, funny false prophecies. Served fresh everyday.
Humor Daily - subscribe for free to receive a new joke every day.
Humor of the Day - a new joke, quip and a quote every day. Plus other features, including archives to all jokes.
Humor Search's Joke Of The Day
Joke of the Day []
Joke of the Day [] - dirty and clean joke archives as well as daily comic strips and information on your favorite comedians.
Joke of the Day [] - free service that sends original humor to subscribers by email every day.
Joke of the Day [] - sends a humorous e-mail out to thousanfs of people several times a week.
Jokes Central - a new laugh seven days a week.
Mental Health Net - Humor of the Day
Microshaft Joke of the Day - where do you want to joke today?
Moshe's JOTD
Pun of the Day - Lots and lots of puns!! Full of humor laughter and fun!
RealFunny - daily jokes in RealAudio format.
Rodney Dangerfield's Joke of the Day
Smile Time, Inc. - a-joke-a-day causes laughter which benefits your health via relaxation and stress reduction. Humor for a bargain or to spice up a speech.
Super Joke of the Day
Todays Chuckle - daily jokes, brain teasers and much much more. Win a free t-shirt in the brain teaser competition.

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