Joke in your mails

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These sites give you jokes in your mail

Joke Joint  - jokes galore plus one everyday in ur mailbox
A Joke A Day - have a joke sent to you every day for free!
A Laff A Day
Aardvark Bran's Humour Emporium - archive of jokes and mailing list.
Bill's Punch Line
Black Widow's Jokes
Chuckle of the Week - a weekly mailing of the funniest jokes around. completely free!
Clean Jokes Daily
daily dose
Daily Humor
Daily Laff - allows customers to set a profile to exclude jokes they may find offensive.
Dust List
Ed's Joke Compendium - receive free jokes each day. Some jokes are tasteful, some jokes are dirty and tasteless, but each joke will brighten your day, each and every day.
Friday Chuckler
Funny Town Mailing List
Funny-Bone - free, clean humor for all ages, and a free daily mailing!
FunnyMailer - prerequisite: a sense of humor.
Gagler's Joke of the Day Service - a joke each day, delivered straight to your mailbox. Check out the website and laugh at jokes online.
House Of Humor Mailing List
Humor Daily
Humor Vault Laughter List - receive a free joke once a day. Jokes are kept as clean as possible, but no promises.
Humor-l - a mailing list devoted to clean humor.
HumourNet - An eclectic collection of jokes, humorous stories and other amusing tidbits from this entertaining mailing list.
JLC-Co Jokes
Joke Mailing List - need a great Joke? Need to laugh? Not to worry! Signup and receive a joke every week!
Jokelists - fun & easy to humor access. Learn how to build your own list today!
Jokes EveryDay Mailing List
Jokes Online - jokes emailed every week. - our mission is to make you laugh every day, so stop on by & have a laugh before you head off to work.
LaughNet Mailing List - Jokes, trivia, and recipe pages, with free daily Email service.
Loogy - daily jokes, chat, forum, and more.
Loony Bin, The - includes an archive of jokes.
Lorelei's ROTFLMAO Mailing List - some clean, some not so clean. Approx. 60 jokes, humorous true stories, etc. per month.
Mad Dog Mildon - daily comedic wrap up of news and world events.
Mad Mail - junk that sometimes makes you smirk and chuckle.
My Free Joke List
Oracle Service Humor Mailing List
Oz Jokes - some may contain adult humour.
Sheep Archive Jokes List
Stitches - medical humor website and daily e-mail.
Superjokes Mailing List
The Daily Joke - a free service that e-mails you a joke each day. Also a large collection of jokes and funny stories.
This is True - by Randy Cassingham, a weekly newspaper column reporting on bizarre-but-true news stories from around the world.
Tristram's Jokelist
Weekly Joker - contains all of the week's best jokes, compiled into one entertaining and very humorous newsletter.

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